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Are you a leader ready for changes?

According to a recent study by McKinsey more than half of business leaders think their organization is not ready for the upcoming changes despite the prevalence of these changes. But are leaders ready? Being ready for changes and transformations also includes mental preparedness. Just to highlight two elements of it 1. Navigate through difficult emotions […]

Being direct: pain and gain

Last Friday on Co-Create Coach Camp we were discussing direct communication as a skill/tool to enhance our communication/coaching. Why is it needed and how can you ensure that you have the right impact? Self-Defence Humans are super-creative how NOT to hear what they do not want to hear. Just think of all the self defence […]

It may sound weird and paradoxical to have a favourite model for grieving, but I actually have one. Grief and loss is so very much part of our life and organizations’ everyday reality that it is worth giving it a thought. The other day one of my coaching client working on how to find the […]

This post will focus on how conflicts can easily become team-traps. The term team-trap was coined to refer to a phenomenon that prevent a team from performing at its best. These are mostly in a team’s blind spot: teams may very well not be aware of how these phenomena sabotage their performance.  It is a […]

Team traps are a phenomenon that prevent a team from performing at its best. These are mostly in a team’s blindspot: teams may very well not be aware of how these phenomena sabotage their performance. The quality of accountability may easily constitute a team trap. In the previous blogpost of this series, we took a […]

Team traps: the question of accountability

“Is this really my responsibility?” Does this sentence sound familiar? If so, most likely you yourself have already been a member of a team where accountability was worth taking into consideration. Perhaps a team which fell into a trap, which they couldn’t free themselves from alone. But why is accountability a pertinent question for teams […]